She helps humans find those brilliant ideas, glimpses of inspired thoughts that have been misplaced, overlooked or dismissed. She is a master of motivation.
In Ancient Greek mythology the 9 Greek muses were daughter of Zeus and Mnemosyne. They were believed to be the inspirations of various art. literature and the sciences, providing divine guidance and creativity to artists poets musicians and scholars. They each had their own domain. The 9 muses are: Calliope, representing epic poetry and rhetoric, Clio, representing history, Erato, representing singing, Euterpe, representing lyric poetry, Melpomene, representing tragedy, Polymnia, representing hymns to the gods and heroes, Terpsichore, representing dance, Thalia, representing comedy and Urania, representing astronomy. Originally however, there were only 3 muses. They were more elemental and powerful forces MELETE: practice, MNEME: Memory and AOIDE: song/sound. The three faculties that enable creative expression and higher intellectual pursuit. Eventually they expanded to 9.
The muses of my personal series amount to 11: GRACE: movement and dancing, ATHENA: Embroidery/ Needlepoint, CRYSTAL: Coffee and tea brewing, JACQUELINE: Dressmaking, MADELENA: Gardening, ISABELLA: inspired ideas, ARIA: humming, SOPHIA: Reading, CHARLOTTE: Weaving, KALIA: Pigment gathering, and MARGARITA: the guide and protector of the art of loving and caring for pets
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MEDIUM: acrylic & mixed media on wood, 28 x 65cm, 2024
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