Price: $2,000.00
Art Medium: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 76 cm x 52 cm
Year: 2020
They say it took Noah more than 100 years to build his ark, so time and crisis is well associated with this theme. Seems fitting that I completed The Flood during the Corona Virus lock-down. I started out in 2001 painting its composition and some foundation before abandoning it. I was be drawn to finishing it again nearly 20 years later.
Over time, it was moved from one studio to the next with only the 15 figures blocked out in one base colour and some scant details dispersed throughout the painting. Some time between 2001 and 2002 I had started this painting and then lost motivation as my interests were diverted to a large more expressive painting style (examples in my Gallery) I had created many icons by then and felt a need for contrast. The nostalgic, emotive and strongly Greek themes and style had served me well.
You see, I was making an effort to embrace settling back in Australian culture after returning from living in Greece and I was intent on ‘moving on’ with my decision. ‘Moving’ physically that is: with the heart, the mind, the body, the extended arm and finally the paintbrush that I held in my hand. This is the truest image I can conjour of how the transition in my work reflected a transition in my life. Returning to larger scale work and expressive brushstrokes was in line with my early student years in Australia. Another full circle was drawn.
This modern icon is acrylic on canvas and is inspired by a medieval fresco. By 2020 i only had a fairly faded photocopy of the original so my initial draft and details guided the remaining work i did. In line with my modern icon series I re-envisioned the original work by changing to varying degrees the context of a Byzantine icon. Around 2000-2001 I had been involved in African music culture so the fabric the men are wearing have patterns from African textiles. Later on I added other patterns from other cultures. Iv also added the dots in the sky that are characteristic of the particle atmosphere my Constellation Landscapes have.