LISTEN to me narrate my story with the help of some of the art. A selection of paintings, sculptures and illustrations flow through this recorded narration of ‘The Fisherman and Mermaid’s Tale’
THE MAKING OF THE STORY A recap: I first created this tale whilst painting for a hotel in northern Brazil. Between 2014-2015 I travelled solo in South America and often painted mural and other artworks for businesses and accommodations to help with expenses. This time two paintings that I created for a hotel’s foyer, in a coastal village I was staying at struck me as having a rich story-line behind them. The following day I was playing with this inkling by entertaining some children of a family I had befriended in the village. By performing the story with mothers, aunts and grandmothers in the audience, I improvised ‘like i know what i was doing’ with only threads of a story that the two paintings inspired. The story-line flowed from me, expanding into a magical tale of a fisherman and mermaid falling in love.
It was an incredible experience leaving me filled with new imagery and exhilarated by the symbolic meaning and the many twists to a classic tale. There was an originality to this tale and a message charged with spirit that felt bigger than me and worthy of exploring further and sharing with others.
The seed was planted and eventually led to a year of working in my studio with plans for an exhibition to debut the story through art. My studio gave space for a fully fledged myth to develop , aided by the artworks and the creative process. A process that had a air of mysticism to it. I employed ‘dialogueing with the art’ techniques, asking the completed art questions to lead me to the next artwork, allowing them to lead the way. This helped more details of my Brazilian story to emerge and resulted in an imaginative and engaging tale that put me in the audience seat as much as the creator’s.
THE ART The video includes a small selection of the art I have so far created based on this tale. It includes samples of ILLUSTRATIONS I started to create in 2019 with a adult/children’s book in mind, but the video is largely made up of fine art paintings and sculptures; some from my debut exhibition: THE FISHERMAN AND MERMAID’S TALE, that i staged in Melbourne in Nov 2018 , and some more recent works.
NEW EXHIBITION – NEW DEVELOPMENTS The tale continues to generate more artworks, and with them come more details to the story-line. INTO THE LUSH GREEN an exhibition coming up in Bellingen NSW in Dec 2020 marks the most recent installments to the tale. Over 20 new works will be exhibited and up for sale at the Federal Hotel’s gallery space in the heart of the town, Dec 2 – Jan 5.